Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 6, 2018

Is Bird’s Nest Soup Safe for Pregnant Women

Some pros and cons are still arising regarding the benefit of Bird’s Nest Soup and whether it is safe for pregnant women. Some sources mention that there is no scientific research  whether Bird’s Nest Soup provides some benefits for both mothers and babies, but some people who have consumed Bird’s Nest Soup during their pregnancy have given some proven testimonials. Here are some of them:
 Is Bird’s Nest Soup Safe for Pregnant Women
 Is Bird’s Nest Soup Safe for Pregnant Women

Bird’s Nest Soup is safe for pregnant women as long as washed properly:

“My parents-in-law came across articles saying that Bird’s Nest Soup might contain bleaching additive which may cause cancer. But after further research, they told us it should be ok if we soak it overnight to let all dirts out, and as long as I don’t overconsume”

- @careen

Bird’s Nest Soup contains antioxidant, protein, amino acids, collagen, and other nutrients and minerals, which are scientifically proven to help to regenerate skin cells, enhance the skin tone, repair the tissue and moisturize the skin to become brighter and smoother:

“My friend ate Bird’s Nest Soup for her two pregnancies. Both her husband and her do not have good skin. She suffered from severe acne and sensitive skin when growing up. When she knew she has girls in her tummy, she started taking Bird’s Nest Soup once a week from 20th  weeks onwards. She double boiled a leaf of Bird’s Nest Soup each time. Now, her two daughters both have very nice skin.”

- @fornight


Bird’s Nest Soup is easy and practical to consume for busy moms:

“Many mothers swear by it, and credit their kid's beautiful and fair complexion to consuming bird’s nest soup during their pregnancy. Most of them consume from the 2nd trimester onwards, about 2-3 times a week. But most of them consume from bottled Bird’s Nest Soup that can be bought off the racks, because for most busy moms, cooking and boiling from scratch at home is too much to work.”

 - @careen

Bird’s Nest Soup contains the protein, which is effective in reducing flames and cough, asthma, sore throat and cooling down body heat:

“I bought myself a can of ready-to-eat Bird’s Nest Soup during my second trisemester. I think it’s not something that we can feel right away, but I did consume the Bird’s Nest Soup drink whenever I feel my body is heaty, and it’s cooling me down.”

- @angelineoh

In summary, we can see from the testimonials that Bird’s Nest Soup is safe to consume during pregnancy, which also gives a lot of benefits for both mothers and babies. With simple steps, it can be served as tasty and healthy food, and can contribute as the secret for the healthy and beautiful skin. Should you need Bird’s Nest Soup to stock, we serve only the highest and premium 100% natural Bird’s Nest Soup in Australia that has passed through Australian Quarantine Import Permit, the toughest quarantine conditions in the world. Back to top

How We Process Our Bird’s Nest Soup

Knowing exactly how the Bird’s Nest Soup is processed is very essential to make sure that you consume a natural, healthy, and nutritious Bird’s Nest Soup. With extensive 4 years of experience in this industry, Company has all the best resources to produce and process the best quality Bird’s Nest Soup. This is how we process our Bird’s Nest Soup.
How We Process Our Bird’s Nest Soup
How We Process Our Bird’s Nest Soup

Where Our Bird’s Nest Soup Come From

Indonesian Bird’s Nest Soup quality has been known as the top one among other countries. In this country, our Bird’s Nest Soup comes from Palembang, a city in Sumatra, Indonesia. With 20 years of experience in this business, our people in Indonesia have helped us to maintain the high quality of the Bird’s Nest Soup. We have made a Modern Intensive Way for Bird’s Nest Soup House, which was carefully built by the experts, with adopted technology and technique specifically to produce high quality edible Bird’s Nest Soup with premium and export quality.

Our Standards in the Processing

After being harvested, all Bird’s Nest Soup is sent from the Bird’s Nest Soup house to the warehouse to be cleaned and processed. All of the staff in the warehouse should comply with the high standards set, such as wearing the uniform, mask, gloves, and head caps, to avoid Bird’s Nest Soup being contaminated by dusts or dirts while being examined and cleaned. We make sure all Bird’s Nest Soup is hygienically inspected naturally by human, not machine, and done only by highly experienced staff and resources. This hygienic standard is assigned to convince that all process to the Bird’s Nest Soup is natural and free from any chemical substances and additives. Following the cleaning process, Bird’s Nest Soup is then packed carefully, and sent to the stores in Indonesia or exported to other countries, like Australia.

Pass through Australian Quarantine Import Permit

All export acts in accordance with each country standard. In Australia, all should adhere with the Australian Quarantine Import Permit to make sure all products coming into Australia are safe for the people. To pass this permit, all products should be vacuumed in the pouch with labels, containing information, such as nutrition labels, product description, nett weight,  country of origin, and other necessary information. It can take up to 2-3 days for the products to stay in quarantine to be checked randomly by sample. If there is something wrong with the investigation, the products are then sent back to the country of origin or destroyed in Australia. If the investigation result is good, the Bird’s Nest Soup is then sent to our warehouse in Australia. Therefore, all of our products that have passed the Australian Quarantine Import Permint are guaranteed and safe to consume, proving us as one of the most trusted and recognised brands of premium quality Bird’s Nest Soup.

How Our Bird’s Nest Soup Reach the Customers

Arriving in our warehouse, all Bird’s Nest Soup is then processed again through the drying and packing. When orders come in, we then process the order and send the Bird’s Nest Soup by hand delivery or courier delivery. Our courier partners have tracking number system, to allow us follow and make sure our products arrive safely to our customers front doors.

Grab only the finest grade nests, 100% natural pure Bird’s Nest Soup without any additives like chemicals or bleaching agents like what we have in Company.

Can I Cook and Serve Bird’s Nest Soup for Dinner

While each family members might be in rush while having breakfast, or having lunch outside, then dinner time is mostly becoming a perfect moment to eat and bond together. Everybody has arrived home and rest before spending time sitting around the table to dine. To value this wonderful moment, most parents do not mind spending some time to cook something delicious and healthy, to provide nutritious food for loved ones. The next question is, what to cook for dinner that’s healthy and delicious?

Besides cooking simple dishes containing many sources of vitamins, such as fried rice or noodle, soup, or stir-fried vegetables, one of the tips is to stock some nutritious dried food, like Bird’s Nest Soup. We have post some recipes, which most of them is also suitable for dinner.

Stewed Bird’s Nest Soup with Abalone and Chicken

This recipe is suitable for family dinner reunion, such as in Chinese New Year celebration. Combining abalone and chicken, this Stewed Bird’s Nest Soup with Abalone and Chicken becomes a luxurious dish to serve a big family dinner.

Bird’s Nest Soup with Vegetables

This Bird’s Nest Soup with Vegetables can be served either for family dinner, or to boost stamina when somebody is getting sick. The combination of egg, ham, and mushroom can provide multiple vitamins required by our body.
Can I Cook and Serve Bird’s Nest Soup for Dinner
Can I Cook and Serve Bird’s Nest Soup for Dinner

Bird’s Nest Soup with Winter Melon and Mushroom

This soup can serve as a unique dish for the whole family. Combining the crab, ginger, and winter melon, a Bird’s Nest Soup with Winter Melon and Mushroom is definitely something you want to serve up on the table during dinner time.

Pumpkin Scallop Bird’s Nest Soup Porridge

This porridge is not only for the unwell, but also great to serve on dining table with family or friends. With scallops, pumpkins and Bird’s Nest Soup, Pumpkin Scallop Bird’s Nest Soup Porridge serves a great health booster for the whole family or friends.

Pound Cake With Oranges & Bird’s Nest Soup

After all the main course, what can serve better than the fresh and sweet dessert? Composed of the oranges and Bird’s Nest Soup, this pound cake will not only satisfy the freshness for the soul, but also the sweetness for the tounge.

In summary, Bird’s Nest Soup is totally recommended to serve during dinner due to its high nutritional value. With many ways of cooking to plate up Bird’s Nest Soup on the table, it can always offer new ways of eating and enjoying Bird’s Nest Soup to provide numerous benefits for the loved ones.  Back to top

Where is Bird’s Nest Soup Coming From

 Some people might be wondering about this particular nutritious food: Where is actually Bird’s Nest Soup coming from? Where is all those benefits coming from? Which are pure and which are not? How to differentiate good ones from bad ones? We’ll cover them all in this piece of article.
Where is Bird’s Nest Soup Coming From
Where is Bird’s Nest Soup Coming From

Where is Bird’s Nest Soup coming from?

Edible Bird’s Nest Soup is actually a product coming from the swiftlets solidified saliva to consume by human. The grade of the Bird’s Nest Soup depends on the type of bird, its dietary and the quality of the bird's house and its process. In Company, the Bird’s Nest Soup is harvested, cleaned, processed, and inspected according to high standards set, then packed and sent to the stores and outlets.

Indonesian Bird’s Nest Soup quality has been known as the top one among other countries. In this country, there are several birds’ houses in South Sumatra, West Java, East Java, Central Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Malaka, and surround. With 20 years of experience in this business, our people in Indonesia have helped us to maintain the high quality of the Bird’s Nest Soup. As the result, not only to Australia, our products have been exported to China and Hong Kong. This has proved the international quality our Bird’s Nest Soup has.

The color of the Bird’s Nest Soup

Bird’s Nest Soup might be different in color, which some are red. Contrary to popular belief, red Bird’s Nest Soup is not coming from the blood of the swiftlets or different swiftlets that consume different kinds of water or food. Bird’s Nest Soup red color is caused by oxidation or minerals absorbed from the environment hence might be harmful for human. Therefore, it is not advised to consume too heavily colored Bird’s Nest Soup. Moreover, some irresponsible Bird’s Nest Soup trader even dyed the Bird’s Nest Soup red to sell with higher prices.

Genuine and fake ones

The genuine Bird’s Nest Soup can be seen from the appearance, which consists of two main types of filaments (outer layer is longer and bigger, whereas the inner is finer and shorter). During cooking or boiling, the fine scent of near albumin smell will occur. After cooking, a good Bird’s Nest Soup inner filaments become water-soluble. This is important to distinguish a genuine Bird’s Nest Soup from the fake one, because more unethical companies would increase the weight of Bird’s Nest Soup by adding additives such as jelly, animal skin, or white fungus.

Bird’s Nest Soup Benefits

Some research shows that bird’s nest soup is rich in antioxidant, protein, amino acids, collagen, and other nutrients and minerals, which are required and good for the body. Specifically, Bird’s Nest Soup contain 0.6% fibre, 60% protein, 0.75% fats, 8% moisture, 23% carbohydrate, and 0.6% ash. It is known to stimulate digestive system, improve immune system, restore internal organs, cleanse blood toxin, prevent respiratory problems, anti-aging, relieve fatigue, and provide other numerous benefits for elderly, pregnant women, mothers, kids, or even smokers. Therefore, it is recommended to consume Bird’s Nest Soup regularly to maximize the benefits contained in Bird’s Nest Soup. Back to top

Here's Why Bird’s Nest Soup is One of the World's Most Expensive Foods

Edible Bird’s Nest Soup is one of the world’s most expensive human consumed products. It sells for approximately $2,000 to $10,000 per kilogram. Along with its numerous health benefits, these reasons are why Bird’s Nest Soup is one of the world’s expensive foods:
Here's Why Bird’s Nest Soup is One of the World's Most Expensive Foods
Here's Why Bird’s Nest Soup is One of the World's Most Expensive Foods

Natural Long Process

Edible Bird’s Nest Soup, also known as the “Caviar of the East”, is actually made from saliva of the swiftlet birds. In nature, each nest takes 30 up to 35 days to build using the male swiftlet’s saliva, which solidifies for a nesting roost during breeding time. It is then harvested for human consumptions due to its rich nutrients and high nutritional value. It only takes 3 collection times in a year after the birds rebuild their nests.

High Maintenance Standards

To maintain high quality of the Bird’s Nest Soup, there should be high standards, particularly, for the Bird’s Nest Soup house and its maintenance. Besides to ensure the space efficiency, maximum output quantity, and high quality and crystal clear nest, we also have to make sure the existing bird population will not be disturbed or obstructed in order to bring out the best quality Bird’s Nest Soup.


Quick but Careful Harvesting Process

In nature, the Bird’s Nest Soup must be harvested quickly but carefully, which is before the birds lay their eggs. If the birds have laid their eggs, harvesting the nest can cause damage to the eggs, then the birds would not make the nest again for the rest of the year. If we harvest too quickly, the Bird’s Nest Soup have not been fully developed and would not meet the stardards required to sell them. The process should be done when the females go hunting for food during the day.

Hygienic Cleaning Process

After harvested, the natural Bird’s Nest Soup should be cleaned from the dirts, feathers, etc. This cleaning process is important to be done hygienically, not with bleacing or any chemical substances and additives. After this long and complicated process, finally, these natural Bird’s Nest Soup are then sold and exported to China, Hong Kong, and other countries. Back to top

Edible Bird’s Nest Soup History

Primarily known as Swallow Nest, Bird’s Nest Soup  has been consumed by the Chinese people since more than 1500 years ago, firstly discovered during the Tang Dinasty (A.D. 618-907) in China. In the earliest records, it was said that the swallow nests were actually traded for porcelain during that time, and Admiral Cheng Ho returned from South East Asia, bringing back the swallow nest to the Chinese Emperor.

Royal Food for Chinese Emperor

Since then, swallow nest started to gain popularity inside the Chinese royal families, but was only consumed by the Emperor family and officials working in the court due to its limited supply. The ladies also regularly had swallow nest soup to maintain their beauty, and enhance their health.

Because of the scarcity and medicinal benefits, swallow nests were often given as highly prized presents or to represent wealth and power. At the end of Tang Dinasty’s reign, the swallow nest was finally introduced to the public and then has been widely known as the Bird’s Nest Soup .
Edible Bird’s Nest Soup  History
Edible Bird’s Nest Soup  History

Modern Bird’s Nest Soup  House

After being open to public, Bird’s Nest Soup  has been gaining a great popularity. The increasing demand and unpredictable harvest amount from the caves in the village encouraged the invention of new farming techniques. The modern Bird’s Nest Soup  house is built to protect the swiftlets and nesting farms from natural predators, to increase the population of the swiftlets, and to improve quality consistency.

Medicinal Benefits

The medicinal values have been recorded on several historical records on the Traditional Chinese Medicine. According to medical masterwork, Pen Tsoa Feng Yuan, during the Ming Dinasty (1405-1433 AD) and early Ching Dinasty (1644-1911 AD), there was indication that Bird’s Nest Soup  can strengthen the lungs and served as an anti-aging medicine. In the book of Ben Jing Feng Yuan by Zhang Lu Cheng in 1659, Bird’s Nest Soup  can nourish the kidney and lungs, good for general health and stomach. In addition, on Medical Dictionary of China by Xie Guan published in 1921, Bird’s Nest Soup  can nourish the lungs, balance and invigorate the Qi, enhance appetite, stop the coughing, act as an aphrodisiac and galvanize bone marrow.

Today, Bird’s Nest Soup  still serves as a highly sought food for its numerous health benefits, and can be widely consumed by elderly, women, men, children, babies, and even pregnant women. Grab a natural and high-quality Bird’s Nest Soup  in our store.

Bird’s Nest Soup Benefits for Men

As known, edible Bird’s Nest Soup  can be widely consumed by everone in every age: young or old, elderly or kids, pregnant women and babies, women and men. In this article, we will specifically discuss the edible Bird’s Nest Soup  benefits for men.
Bird’s Nest Soup  Benefits for Men
Bird’s Nest Soup  Benefits for Men

Boost Immunity

Edible Bird’s Nest Soup  contains high glycoprotein, which plays an important role in hormone function, particularly support the cell structural, help to form tissue and organs, and found in many places within cells. This function can help to boost a weak immune system, and promote overall immunity for men.

Proteins, or amino acids as the smaller units of protein, which are fundamental component of all living beings, are also found in Bird’s Nest Soup : two non-essential amino acids - aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and praline, and 2 essential amino acids - threonine and valine. These amino acids are essential to the growth and development of our body, also to promote immunity which is vital for men.

Strong Body

Bird’s Nest Soup  also contains phosphorus and calcium, not only to form the bones and teeth, but also to make protein in the body and regulate how body uses carbohydrates and fats. This nutrients will help to shape a more ideal body for men if trained and built properly.


Good Metabolism

Magnesium contained in Bird’s Nest Soup  will help the absorption and retention of calcium in the body, maintain muscle function, and regulates blood glucose leves and also contributes to energy metabolism. However, good metabolism is essential for men to stay active and productive, as well as to maintain good health condition.

Cleanse the Blood

If consumed regularly by smokers, along with a healthy diet, edible Bird’s Nest Soup  can help to remove the dirts in our respiratory system, therefore rid the lungs of the toxins and impurities. Edible Bird’s Nest Soup  helps to restore lung functions and strengthen the lungs, therefore can help someone who has gasping troubles along with some coughs, asthma and colds problems. Eventually, edible Bird’s Nest Soup  will help to cleanse the blood and prevent respiratory problems. People who suffer dry cough with periodic sputum stains, as seen in heavy smokers, have been reported to reduce their cravings and improve their oxygen intake after regular consumption of the edible Bird’s Nest Soup .